Sunday, August 14, 2011

Catching Up, getting stuck in Lisboa

So, here I am at the Hostel computer. I´ll just fill in some gaps really quick. So back in Paris we checked out of our hotel and headed off into Paris to spend the day until our train left to Barcelona. We went to the louvre, and there are plenty of pictures to come from that. We also took a lot more pictures of the Eiffel tower, but the sun was setting too slowly and we had to catch our train, so no night shots (sorry Christian).

I forget what I put in the last update, so we got to Barcelona and in order to get to Lisbon we had to get a train to Madrid and as a result we didnºt have long in Barcelona. We spent our 4 or 5 confusing hours there finding the Sagrada Familia and getting back. We went to Madrid on a super fancy 300km/h train with a movie playing (in spanish, called No Controles) and it was nice. It rained a bit on the countyside that we sped past, I saw one lightning bolt. It was a very pretty ride. We had to hop on a local train from one station in Madrid to another and then went out to find food before our night train left. It was only, like, 8pm, but everything was we had to eat at the burger king in the station. Then we got on th train and I slept all the way to Lisbon.

Once in Lisbon, we tried to secure travel back out, only to find that all trains were booked until the 16th. So, we will be here for a while. We walked into the city center and started poking around for a place to stay. The first couple places were all full, but we got a map of the area. Then, at one hostel they pointed us to their sister hostel in which there was a double free for tonight. So we got that, then wandered Lisbon all morning waiting for the room to be available. It´s a nice enough place, the people are very friendly, but it doesnºt feel very modern. We still need to secure a place for tommorrow night, but that shouldnºt be too hard, I hope. Anyway, no pix because this isn´my computer, but maybe soon you´ll get some more. Bye!


  1. Day trip to Sintra to photograph palaces maybe? Looks like there are plenty of great photo ops in Lisbon and several day-trip possibilities. Hope this turns out to be a good location to be stranded for a couple days. The pictures online make it look nice.


