Thursday, August 11, 2011

Today's Paris Ranging and a bunch of pictures

After checking into our hotel and depositing our packs, we headed out into the late Paris morning. We walked for a long time, basically all the way across town, and saw lots of cool stuff along the way before taking a bus back. 

Finally moved and uploaded some pictures, so here's a little gallery:
Nice outdoor Market, where we got that bread/cheese/tomato thing previously mentioned.

The coast from Nice

Some memorial at Nice, there's a couple years  carved on the sides.

Antique shop in Nice specializing in clocks, not sure if this is the picture of it Christian preferred or not, but whatever

At the laundromat...the second time

Leaving Nice

Notre Dame, Paris

Arc de Triomphe, it's very large

That one tower thing in Paris, we accidentally found this  photo opportunity trying to find a bus back to the hotel!
The view from our room isn't bad either, nothing exciting but we are on the 5th floor. The room is tiny, but the bathroom is nice, so I think I'm gonna go take a shower. Tonight we are going out again to take night pictures,  I plan on uploading them before we leave the hotel tomorrow morning.

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