Monday, August 15, 2011

Even More Pictures! And words too.

So, here we are in our second hostel in Lisbon!

Here's a couple pictures from Paris and Barcelona:

Now back to Lisbon: yesterday we had a delicious lunch of french rolls and butter and salami. There was a supermarket right next to the hostel we were in. It was so cost effective we had an eerily similar meal for dinner, but this time with mozzarella cheese and some mysterious meat that they put on paninis a lot.

We mean to join the hostel-offered trip in the evening to listen to Fado, but we accidently slept through the departure time..

Kinda like this, except without me awake to take a picture.
So that was all yesterday, this morning we got up and went to the hostel reception desk to see if they had any suggestions for a place to stay tonight. She was incredibly helpful, going as far as contacting other hostels in the area via secret hostel chat and finding us a place across town. So we ate our complimentary fresh cooked scrambled eggs and toast before going back to our room to relax until closer to the check-out time of our first hostel (noon), which coincidentally was the check-in time of the other.

So we marched across town and checked in to the next place, waited for a while for the cleaning lady to finish up and then dumped our stuff in our new room and heading back into the city. We went to a ruined church turned museum called Convento do Carno (I thought it was a convent judging by the name, but it was a church). It had been wrecked by the big earthquake back 1775 or something and never finished being rebuilt. So it's got some skeletal arches and no ceiling. There were archaeological pieces from all over, including some mummified children.

Then we walked up the big hill to the Castelo de S. Jorge (the big castle). The castle itself wasn't very interesting, just empty walls, but it offered a great view of the city.

Then we went down and had a late lunch at a restaurant. Christian got Swordfish Steak and I got Pork Portuguese. My pork was very good, one notable part of the dish was that several whole cloves of garlic where mixed into the dish, which I found interesting. Christian liked his food too. All in all a very satisfying day.

Now we're back at the hostel again. We plan to go out when its dark to take pictures at night (but knowing us we'll probably fall asleep by accident). We'll probably have to eat, too, but there's an even bigger supermarket near this hostel, so dinner won't be expensive.