Friday, August 26, 2011

Pictures from Brussels

Picture...from our daytrip to Brussels a couple days ago. We didn't actually take any pictures in Amsterdam for various reasons; when we arrived it was raining, that evening we went into town without the camera, the next day we were in Brussels and got back too late, and the next day we had our packs with us most of the time and I guess never bothered to remove the camera. It's ok, there wasn't much to take pictures of anyway, the appeal of Amsterdam is the city and it's people not any particularly good sights.

Me, probably wondering what attraction it is I'm having the opportunity to see

Something delicious and Belgian. They are expensive and we ate them all. Sorry, no presents.

This is probably a notable building for a historic reason; we liked it because it's easy to find from elsewhere in the city.

I guess Brussels really likes it's naked peeing boy. As you can see, it was not naked when we saw it.

There were no pictures of the front of Christian's body, but several of his back as we walked down this street. I'm sure I had some artistic reasoning.

1 comment:

  1. It's always good to have a landmark.
    See you tomorrow.
