Thursday, August 4, 2011

Stage One: SFO to Toronto

Wow! Look at that crappy picture of us in the airport!

So anyway, we're at SFO, waitin' for the flight to board to Toronto. I'm just happy I managed to get the free Wi-Fi working! And I figured out how my webcam can take pictures and how to upload them to this bloggy thing. See? All sorts of new experiences already and we're not even out of the country!

So...nothing interesting has happened yet. My bag apparently turned sideways in the x-ray and got a little stuck and the security lady chastised me passive-aggressively. We've discovered the secret to comfortable backpacking is just pulling all the random straps hanging everywhere.

That's about it. What a trip so far, right!?


  1. Is that your surprised look, Christian?

  2. Wow! You've learned SO much already. Hopefully I'll eventually learn how to post comments on this site - this is my 4th try. You are now flying over Wisconsin.
